Saturday, June 27, 2015


Caitlyn Jenner and Gay Marriage.
I have kept my mouth closed the last few weeks on these topics. I have not been going on social media as much either.
I am FRUSTRATED. I am frustrated at both sides of the issue. I am frustrated that those who support gay marriage and the transgender issue don't seem to understand the convictions of those who oppose it religiously. There needs to be some sympathy for those who are hurting because of these changes. Being against gay marriage usually is based on strong religious beliefs. Whether you agree with them or not they are the beliefs. We are fighting so much for tolerance but being tolerant of religion is somehow being left out.

While I hope there is more understanding of the sadness religious people feel over the changes I hope and PRAY that religious people everywhere choose what they say carefully. I have come across the most hate filled bigoted infuriating articles written out of "spiritual belief". I feel that social media has allowed people to share things without really thinking about who they might hurt. The lord wants us to love one another. Judgement is his, not meant for us on this earth. Stand up for what you believe in absolutely. Love your fellow man, respect one another, treat others with kindness.

If you want your feelings to be understood and taken into account you need to do the same for others. No side is going to convert those on the other. I just want us to all love and respect each other even if we don't agree. I have a transgender child. I understand why friends and family might have a hard time with this. We also appreciate those that might not support this but still love us and welcome us to be a part of their lives. This love is what will improve the world. So much of the hate I have seen going around is from people who have never known someone who is affected on the other side.

Free Agency is extremely important to me. Part of Free Agency is being given the choice to do what we want and not be forced into anything. If everyone respected Free Agency for everyone else and truly loved their fellow man standing up for your own beliefs would not create such a divide between community's. Both sides feel so strongly that they are the true and right way to be that they are losing sight of the big picture.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Try to see it through their eyes. If you don't agree don't take it personally. Love them anyway. Please PLEASE don't say stupid hate filled things on issues you don't have any personal experience in. This just adds to the circle of misunderstanding. I say that for everyone.
I love you all. I hope we can all love each other and respect each other.