Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I apologize upfront for another post about the job market. Be glad that I don't swear on my blog or you would think that you walked into a biker bar during a who has the largest vocabulary contest. (No offense to any bikers, The ones I have met have been wonderful people).

Here is the latest on the heart wrenching, job search.
Eric had 5 interviews at MLA and one the following week. 6 interviews is huge. The dreaded Hope really showed up. The last day of MLA he had an interview and that same day he got an email saying they wanted to schedule a call back. Then to raise our Hopes even higher he got an email from another school saying something like this. "We don't go back to school to meet with our committee until the 14th. However if you book a fly back or get a job offer before we meet please let us know so we can have a chance to get you. " While this is not a direct quote that is the jist of it. He was immediately able to respond with a yes I do have a fly back scheduled. We assumed that meant he would have a fly back at the school that shall not be named. We waited, waited, waited, Then on Monday he got an email saying there was a delay and they would get back to him on Wednesday. Ok great we are thinking they haven't changed their minds they probably just had a budget issue to work out. Today. Wednesday we got a rejection email. SERIOUSLY this is about as bad as the time he had an interview and they said "You are exactly what we are looking for." And then did not give him a second interview.
Do these Schools really not understand how much they are pulling at our heartstrings and playing terrible music with them. On the positive side Eric does have a 1st interview on Friday with a non academic job.
February 6th he Flies out for his one and so far only second interview. He if perfect for the job almost. There is a catch to it but the people who interviewed him seem to want him. Now he just has to convince the rest of the faculty he can play their games.
To make my day even better my wedding ring is breaking. A prong is bent and I think needs to be replaced. I am afraid to wear it now because I don't want to lose the diamond.
Dylan possibly broke his finger. I will need to take him to the Doc tomorrow.
Elliot Has a Field Trip tomorrow that has already been rescheduled for rain and it is 60% all day tomorrow. Chandler want to apply to this awesome art program and the application is due in 5 days.
Needless to say I am not in the happiest of spirits. I will recover. I just wish I had not let in that stupid, useless, disappointing hope. Sorry for my sob story. It has just been one of those days. PLEASE Don't ask me what is going on with the job search. If I have good news I will share it. I am so sick and tired of talking, thinking, having nightmares about it. I just want to live in a place where we know we will be there steadily for a few years without having to go through this every year. I don't even mind being poor. It has been so hard not knowing every year where we will live past June. That is part of why Chandler is applying so close to the deadline for this art program. If we are here which we don't think we will be it would be amazing for him. He said the problem is we didn't think we would be here for the last 5 years and we still are so I have to apply just in case. He is absolutely correct.
I am tired and emotionally exhausted. I hope I don't regret posting this in the morning.
I really need to sleep, scrapbook, eat chocolate. Hopefully all of those things will happen soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jo!! I am so sorry about your frustrating experience. I am glad you recorded it so in five years you can look back and mock the evil hopesters.

    As to the wedding ring, I had a bent prong and I didn't wear it for 5 years (the entire time we lived in SB.) I didn't feel any more available or less married, and eventually I got out of the habit of caring.

    When we got to Utah, we moved across the street from a woman who makes jewelry and she whipped out a pair of pliers and just fixed it in 10 seconds. After 5 years I was like... wow!

    Now that I live in a place where I feel like people care way more, I put on the ring for appearances. But I miss the days in which I could have bare naked hands. Enjoy them while you can.
