Thursday, May 30, 2013


It has happened again. Scary, terrifying, petrifying Hope has made it's way back into our life. I am not going to say much about it other than 2 job possibilities. There is so much fear wrapped around these little glimmers of hope. I am not sure we will emotionally survive many more let downs after getting this far. Tonight I am choosing to stay positive and feel like this is it and it will work out for us. It could just be the high I am on from watching 2nd graders in a pirate play, but I will take it when I can.
Pray, chant, burn incense whatever you want to do. Spin around backwards and spit over your shoulder. I will take any good vibes you can send me. We really need it. Lets hope in a couple of weeks I have some good news.

1 comment:

  1. I am hopeful with you. And spinning and spitting, and all of that. Keep us posted.
