Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Last year we moved into a house with 3 amazing Pomegranate trees. I was completely fascinated by how they started out. I thought I would share how a pomegranate evolves from the beginning. After they are green they turn into shades of red. They are ready to eat when they lose there "waxy" shine. The heavier the pomegranate the better. You can leave them in boxes etc for up to a few months. If you wait and leave them out for a week or more they will be sweeter. We had great success last year selling them for school field trips and we will be doing that this year as well. They start to be ready in October so be prepared to get yours before they are gone. Smoothie tip - I separated sections and froze them in baggies so I can throw them in smoothies all year long. They also help your green smoothies not be green so the kids are more likely to drink them.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are gorgeous!! I love the way the fairy dust is helping them along :)
