Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hunger Games.

When I started this Gratitude Blog I had a long list of things in mind to post about. Probably enough to last a good couple of months. What I have found interesting is that I have hardly posted any of those things on my original list. There are things everyday that are striking me and I just have to make that my post. Today I am posting about the Hunger Games Series.
I have a friend named Lee who was my neighbor for years and she always brought me great books to read. She brought me this book and said you are going to love it but the sequel won't be out for another year so don't be mad at me when you are done. She was right. I can say that this is my all time favorite book series. I love to read but I do it speradically because once I start a book I can't focus on anything else until the book is done. I know if Lee recomends it it will be worth the neglect around my house to read it compulsively for the nest 24-48 hours. I read The Hunger Games and the next day took it back to Lee so mad that I had to wait another year for the sequel. Skip to the next August. I bought the 1st book in Hardback and ordered the second one called Catching Fire. I did something I had never done before. I read a book for the second time. I have always felt that there are too many books in this world to read a book more than once but this book has so much too it I needed to read it again before I read Catching Fire. I was so excited the day Catching Fire came out.

I read it and loved it just as much as the first one. When it got to the end guess what, it was a trilogy and the 3rd book was not going to be released until the following August. Holy Crap I can't believe this is happening to me. Skip forward one more year. I did something I have never done before. I read a book for the third time and read Catching Fire for the second time so that it was fresh in my mind for the release of MockingJay. I pre ordered MockingJay thinking that it would be delivered to my house the day it was released and it didn't come for three more days. By that time my friends, parents at the school, Chandlers classmates and many people of Facebook had already read it. I was out of my mind in anticipation.

I know many people were upset with the ending but I loved the book as much as I loved the first two. I now have a goal to read this seried every summer. If I have not already made my point clear
These books are great. My 12 year old son and his friends love these books as well as many of my friends and family members. There are some intense parts so read it before you let a child read it. I have heard that they are making a movie out of it. I will be the first person in line with a Team Pita shirt. I hope they do the books justice in the movie. I am grateful for all the entertainment and mental escape that the Hunger Games books have brought into my life. Read the books and let me know what you think. I would love to discuss them with you.


  1. omg thats awesome!!
    i was "lucky" enough to have discovered these books the summer the last one came out (same exact thing with twilight) but was never able to get one from the library cause the hold was a million people long!!! so finally shane got me hunger games for christmas, and i read it in two days, which i NEVER do because im such a slow reader but i couldnt put it down!! im halfway done with mockingjay and can not wait to discuss it!!!

  2. Yay! Me too. I am going to reread them as soon as we move as they are a familiar friend I miss already reading this post.

  3. Loved those books too, Jo! The best part of your post is how you spelled Peeta (like a pita you eat) :-) Your blog is so fun to read!
